Profession & Organization

  • Brain Health Coach, Pacific Brain Health Center

Ryan Glatt


Ryan Glatt is a personal trainer and health coach with over a decade of experience and a particular focus in neuroscience, currently practicing both Brain Health Coaching and brain-based fitness at the Pacific Brain Health Center in Santa Monica, California. Currently in a Master’s of Applied Neuroscience program at King’s College of London, Ryan enjoys constantly learning about neuroscience and applying practical, brain-informed strategies to both health coaching and personal training. Ryan has pursued education from the Amen Clinics, The BrainFirst Training Institute, the Neuroscience Academy, and more. He has worked with a wide variety of populations with various neurological considerations, including those with MCI, dementia, TBI, ASD, Parkinson’s, and MS. Currently, Ryan focuses his practice and research towards slowing cognitive decline for those who want to prevent memory loss, both in the “worried well” and those with MCI. He actively consults for technology companies that seek to enhance physical activity with cognitive training and stimulation to further enhance the brain-based tools movement professionals can utilize.

Recently, Ryan has released the Brain Health Trainer course alongside the Functional Aging Institute, which is the first comprehensive course to be released on the topic of brain health and exercise. The Brain Health Trainer course has already enrolled over 200 diverse health and fitness professionals and Ryan continues to work to distill neuroscience research to the fitness and health industries in hopes of preparing them to play a role in slowing the global economic burden of cognitive decline.